Online game featuring Naruto, Anko. You'll be amazed by the gorgeous images and the fine details. Let's take a look at the game. Anko an attractive woman has always wanted to be seduced by Naruto. It was a secret desire of hers. Now it's a fact. Anko went into the area that Naruto lay on the floor. She quickly stripped off her clothing so that Naruto could admire her beautiful figure, huge breasts and her spherical body. Curly Anko walks up to Naruto's table and takes a deep breath before squeezing his cock. He then gets up to a height. You can play the game right now. You have the option of choosing between automatic or manual game modes and revel in the sexy antics Naruto as well as Anko. Anko is fascinated by Naruto's beautiful sex and massages her massive toes. Then, he kisses her with the pissy pink. Let's begin.